THE STAR — AUGUST 19, 1896

Did you ever hear of a kangaroo cat?
As you'll see from the picture, it’s really a cat. It has fur like a cat, it purs like a cat, and it can catch mine and rats. But it sits up on its hind legs like a kangaroo, has a long stout tail and jumps like a kangaroo. Its nose is long, almost like that of a shepherd dog. A man who lives in Oak Park bought a kangaroo cat when it was a kitten, and at the age of six weeks it could jump easily to the top of a high board fence. They are rather rare in this country, and if you have one of them you may consider yourself fortunate—Chicago Record.

From— The Star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.), 19 Aug. 1896. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.