continued above water, as aforesaid, for a few minutes, and
then disappeared, and was seen no more by the deponent; that one of his reasons for lying so long concealed, as above described, was from the expectation that the ebb tide would leave the rock and flat part of the shore dry, before the animal would move from it, and that he would be able to secure it. Depones, that he has been informed that some boys, in the neighbouring farm of Ballinatune saw a creature of the above appearance in the sea, close to the shore, on the afternoon of the same Sunday. All which he depones to be truth, as be shall answer to God; and depones he cannot write.
DUN. CAMPBELL, Sheriff-Sub.
From— The Java Government Gazette. 7 Aug. 1812. Provided by KB (Koninklijke Bibliotheek). The European Library. Conference of European National Librarians (CENL).