The interest of the foregoing story, with its suggestion of Conan Doyle’s “Lost World,” is in the fact that it tends to strengthen the belief, held by many undoubted authorties, in the survival of certain monsters of the prehistoric age in the swamps of Central Africa.
The Belgian Congo borders on Rhodesia, and the labs Karl Hagenbeck, in his well-known book, “Beasts and Men.” has left on record his own conviction that in this region there still exists some kind of dinosaur, seemingly akin to the brontosaurus.“
Hagenbeck says he recieved reports on the subject from two independent sources. The beast to which he refers was described by natives as, “half elephant and half dragon.” Precisely similar reports, he points out, were received from the negroes by Menges several made decades previously, while on the walls of certain caverns in Central Africa, actual drawings of these strange creatures are to be found.

From— The Sydney Morning Herald. (NSW: 1842 -1954), 2 Jan. 1920 Trove. National Library of Australia.