does not leave it until it has been denuded of all its foliage. It is called a sloth because of its slow movements.
The Express expedition is fitted out so that if at all possible one of the giants will be taken alive. Hesketh Prichard, who is at present acting as The Express commissioner of the Haiti expedition, is to have charge of this search for a monster.
J. B. Scrivenor, B. A., who won the Burdett-Coutts scholarship at Oxford in 1899, will accompany Prichard as geologist.
They firmly believe they will find a mylodon, but even if they should not the unexplored region to be traversed will add much to the zoological and geological knowledge of southern Patagonia.

From— El Paso Daily Herald. (El Paso, Tex.), 11 Aug. 1900. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.