America a huge marsupial known as the diprodont is known to have existed in Australia. Fossil remains recently discovered leave no doubt as to its gigantic size, and, although there is, of course, no means of ascertaining its appearance in life, as it has been extinct for several thousands of years, the gazeka appears to bear a marked resemblance in form to this ancient monster.
That a few diprodonts could have survived to this day despite the extinction of the main part of the type, is not considered unlikely by the scientists, who point out that nature does not usually blot out a whole class of animals suddenly, but that, on the contrary, it is sometimes thousands of years before the last individual member of the type succumbs to the conditions which destroyed his fellows.
The British explorers are enduring many hard-ships in their scientific expedition. In New Guinea the temperature is never less than 114 degrees in the shade, and water is not always accessible. But if these ardent explorers really capture a living diprodont they will consider their labors well rewarded.

From— The Star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.), 14 Sept. 1910. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.