For some years hunters searched the woods in vain for the big fellow. Not until 1895 was the monster seen again. In that year Granville Gray, a Bangor taxidermist, got sight of the moose, at some little distance, and since then he has had a second view. In 1899 Gilman Brown, of West Newbury, Mass., got nearer to the monster than any of the others and actually had a shot at him. He declared that the moose stood fully 15 feet high, and had antler's from ten to twelve feet across. He was so close to the animal that he could count 22 points on one side of his antlers, and he thinks there were more. This is a greater number of points than has ever been known on any other moose. His shots did not bring the moose down.
This year the first sight of the big moose fell to George Kneeland, of Sherman, who is taking charge of his brother's lumber camp on Gulliver brook. In telling of his experience Kneeland said:
“On my way back from Macwahoc, coming to a long piece of rising ground. I dismounted from my bicycle and walked. I had got to the top of the hill and was just about to remount, when I saw what I took to be a horse standing in the road some distance ahead. Wondering what a horse could be doing there, I stopped and gave him a good look, when I found to my surprise that it was not a horse, but a moose, and an immense one, too. I waited a bit to see what he was going, to do, but I hadn't long to wait, for be lowered his head and came straight for me with the speed of a locomotive. I got to a good, stout tree as quick as I could, and climbed high, where I would be out of reach of the moose's antlers and be able to see what was going on.

“Meanwhile the moose came tearing down the road, and his antlers reached clear across the road at that place, brushing the branches on either side. I should think they would measure 11 feet, all right enough. He made straight for the bicycle, and, planting his forward paws either side of it, stopped to examine the wheel, smelling of it to his satisfaction, then raised his head, gave a tremendous snort and raced off into the woods, breaking down the small growth of saplings as though they were rushes. The wind was blowing toward me, and that is probably the reason he did not discover me. I waited ten minutes in the tree, and then, finding that he had really gone. I slid down and mounted my wheel, and the way I streaked it for home was a caution.”
The average weight of moose shot in Maine is from 800 to 900 pounds, with antlers spreading from 4 to 4 ½ feet, and rarely having more than 8 to 12 points on a side, while the bell, as the appendage under the animal's neck is called, is generally eight to nine inches long. All who have seen the big moose of Lobster lake aver that he must weigh at least 2,500 pounds, that his antlers spread not less than ten feet, while the bell is declared to be not less than 18 inches long. It is supposed that this monster wandered into Maine from British Columbia, as none approaching his size has ever been seen in Maine before. He is a great traveler, having been reported in almost every part of northern Maine. The hunter who brings him down will win fame and a big pot of money at the same time.

From— Williston Graphic. (Williston, Williams County, N.D.), 06 Dec. 1900.
Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.